Title: "Brookfield High" On a canvas of dark blue and gold's embrace, A tale of defiance and honor finds its place. With white streaks of clarity and resolve so…
Title: "The Patriot" In vibrant hues, the canvas roars, A symphony of colors, a tale of yore. Bold red ignites the sky’s fierce embrace, While navy grounds the earth with…
1407: Abstract Expressionism created by Connecticut Real Estate Broker, Steve Schappert. View at The Connecticut Art Gallery in Thomaston. 157 East Main Street Second Floor. There are 4 pressboard planks …
1402: Abstract Expressionism created by Connecticut Real Estate Broker, Steve Schappert. View at The Connecticut Art Gallery in Thomaston. 157 East Main Street Second Floor.
1398: Abstract Expressionism created by Connecticut Real Estate Broker, Steve Schappert. View at The Connecticut Art Gallery in Thomaston. 157 East Main Street Second Floor. The Connecticut Art Gallery will…
1395: Abstract Expressionism created by Connecticut Real Estate Broker, Steve Schappert. View at The Connecticut Art Gallery in Thomaston. 157 East Main Street Second Floor. The Connecticut Art Gallery will…
What do you see when you look at this piece? Quite a few see wild horses. There is movement, power and softness at the same time. The paint is layered…
1387: Abstract Expressionism created by Connecticut Real Estate Broker, Steve Schappert. View at The Connecticut Art Gallery in Thomaston. 157 East Main Street Second Floor. The Connecticut Art Gallery will…
Hang it horizontal, vertical, upside down or right side up, it just doesn't matter. This piece was created for you, it means what you want it to. As an artist…
1379: Abstract Expressionism created by Connecticut Real Estate Broker, Steve Schappert. View at The Connecticut Art Gallery in Thomaston. 157 East Main Street Second Floor. The Connecticut Art Gallery will…