Pumpkin Time Fall Landscape by Connecticut Artist Kate Emery
Pumpkin Time, 10″x20″ oil on canvas

Based in Connecticut’s Farmington Valley, Kate Emery (KateEmery.com) is a fine art oil painter whose work includes landscapes inspired by her home in New England and her travels to Italy, abstract landscapes and works from the imagination, and portraits. One-third (or more) of the proceeds from all of her painting sales go to community organizations on the front lines and behind the scenes, solving our most pressing local and global problems.

From Kate…

Painting has been my passion for more than 30 years, but it had to take a back seat to earning my daily bread until recently. Now that I am pursuing my art full time, I am eager to learn from and share inspirations with like-minded Connecticut artists.

As a life-long Connecticut resident, I am also passionate about supporting non-profits that uplift our communities through my Gallery for Good and monthly Art Auctions for Charity. One of the things I love most about my artistic endeavors is not only being able to spend time doing something I find challenging and fulfilling but committing part of the proceeds from every sale I make to help good things happen in our state. This year, I have been fortunate to have opportunities to support the work of the Hill-Stead Museum, the Farmington and Simsbury land trusts, AIDS Connecticut, the Friends of Holcomb Farm, Interval House and Hands On Hartford.

Let’s Connect!

Sheep Painting by Kate Emery
Farm Friends Collection
Connecticut Art Note Cards
Connecticut Art Note Cards
Art Face Mask by Kate Emery
Abstract Art by Kate Emery
Abstract Paintings by Kate Emery
Portrait Painting by Kate Emery
Portrait Commissions
Italy Painting by Kate Emery
Italia Collection