Publicize Your Art

Publicize & Spotlight Your Art Like A RockStar


Even If you already have art in one of our galleries, you must upload an image, add a price and description, and select a location in the category menu.  The gallery has grown very quickly and inventory control systems must be implemented in order for the gallery to survive.  All work not added to the website must be picked up by May 15. 

The new process will also create massive PR as each submission will be posted to our social media automatically.

Links to your personal website are not allowed on the art posts.  You are allowed to add links to your art site on your personal profile page.

5 Simple Steps to Verify or Create Your Artist Profile

  1. Go to
  2. Hover over the Artist link on the menu, you will see a drop-down menu.
  3. The first dropdown will say Artist login  click there  If you don’t have a username, click here.
  4. Enter your username and login.  Once you have logged in once you can change the long password that was created for you or you can save it. Now the entire site will be in edit mode.
  5. On the drop-down click on the Artist Profile link.  Check to see if you currently have a profile. If you do, click on it then click edit on the black menu across the top of the site.    Type, add pictures, links contact info, in the upper right corner you will see a blue tab that says Update. Click it to save your work.  If you don’t see your name click here to join the gallery online.

Ok Now that your basic Username, password and profile are created, start adding your art.

Here Is How To Create A Post For Your Art

When you are logged in you will see a black menu around the page.  At the top, you will see a link that says NEW.  Select  POST in the drop-down menu.  A new blank post will show up.  In the upper left of the page select Add Media.  Search your hard drive for the image you want to share.  Across the top of the page, it will say Add Title.  Type in a title.  Drop your cursor below the image.  Type a description and price.

Add a category and tags

Which town is your art located in?  Select a location in the category menu (right-hand column)  Thomaston, Enfield, Roxbury, Middletown, Ellington, Suffield. 

Make it easy for people to find your work online, you can check off all the relevant categories or add a new category, such as your name.  The tags are simple if it is a landscape painting made with oil, the dominant color is green.  add Painting, landscape, oil, green.

Publish! In the right-hand column, there is a blue publish button.  If it has been previously published it will say Update.  WooHoo Congrats you are a published artist!  A post will show up automatically in the Gallery tab/ blog.   The posts will automatically post to our social media sites. 

A purchase button will be configured for you.  Funds will go to the Art Gallery and then forwarded to you.  The Gallery will pay sales tax.


Content Is King

As hundreds of Connecticut Artists join the site and create links back to their sites and social media the site traffic will begin to explode.

Play with it for a week, create a post for every one of your artworks. Add pricing and description. What kind of frame, special glass, etc.  The most important part is volume so keeping adding your work.

Questions email [email protected]